
File Edit


# select text inline v # select whole line (linewise visual mode) V # select current word as whole vaw # Select from current position to the end of the word ve # Select from current position to the beginning of the word vb # Select whole file content ggVG

Text Wrapping

# wrap text in vim :set wrap linebreak # unwrap text in vim :set wrap!

Save Edits

# write current edit to the file (save) :w # write then close file after :wq # exit file without writing (discard) :q!

Abandon Edit

# Abandon existing buffer and reload the file you are editing (works like reset file) :e! # Force exit vim (similar to abandon) :cq

Enter Insert/Edit Mode

# enter insert mode, can edit file content i # switch back to the command mode from insert mode esc


# Undo last action u # Redo last undo ctrl + r


# Copy selection y # Cut selection d # Paste selection (in line) p # Paste selection (line above) P

Delete lines

# Delete current line while in command mode dd # Delete current line without overriding yank _dd # Delete 3 lines while in command mode (n-number of lines) 3dd

Swap Lines

# Swap current line with line above ddkP # Swap current line with line below ddp


# Indent selection (tab) in visual mode >> # Unindent (shift + tab) in visual mode <<