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Flex Direction

# Row flex-row ## horizontal positioning [] [] # Column flex-col ## vertical positioning [] []

Center and Wrap

# center vertical and horizontal, wrap flex justify-center items-center flex-wrap flex-wrap flex-nowrap


// least priority className="z-0" // highest priority className="z-50"

Padding and Margin

# all four sides p # horizontal/vertical symmetric px py # horizontal pr pl # vertical pt pb # number p-0 p-0.5 p-1 p-1.5 p-2 p-2.5 p-3 p-3.5 p-4 p-5


# place item 0 px from specified position top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0 # 4 px top-1 right-1 bottom-1 left-1
© VincentVanKoh