

What is it


Workflow Execution vs Workflow Function Execution

Workflow Definition/Execution

Workflow Definition is the source for the instance of a Workflow Execution

  • Workflow Execution effectively executes once to completion

Workflow Function/Function Execution

Workflow Function is the source for the instance of a Workflow Function Execution

  • Workflow Function Execution occurs many times during the life of a Workflow Execution
Workflow Execution ------------------------------> Workflow Fn Execution ------> Workflow Fn Execution ------> Workflow Fn Execution ------> Workflow Fn Execution ------> Workflow Fn Execution ------> Workflow Fn Execution ------>

Run Id

A Run Id is a globally unique, platform-level identifier for a Workflow Execution

The current Run Id is mutable and can change during a Workflow Retry

  • You shouldn't rely on storing the current Run Id, or using it for any logical choices, because a Workflow Retry changes the Run Id and can lead to non-determinism issues