
Undo Things in Git


# undo the git commit ## Changes still exist in the working tree(the project folder) + the index (--cached) git reset --soft HEAD~1 # undo git commit + git add ## Changes still exist in the working tree git reset HEAD^ --mixed # Like you never made these changes to the codebase ## Changes are gone from the working tree. git reset HEAD^ --hard

Undo git add (Unstaging)

git restore (recommended)

Equivalent to the git checkout -- file_or_all, except it does not delete the files.

# remove everything out of the index git restore --staged . # remove specific file out of the index git restore --staged path_to_file

Checkout to HEAD

# all files to HEAD git checkout @ -- . # specified file to HEAD git checkout @ -- path_to_file # can omit branch name to reference HEAD git checkout -- path_to_file
  • @ is used to refer to the HEAD
  • -- is used to remove ambiguity between a file path and a branch name
    • -- indicates the following to be a file path

git clean

# Delete file out of the index permanently git clean # See dry run output (unexecuted output) of git clean git clean -n # Interactive git clean git clean -i

Force delete files or directories

# Force delete untracked file git clean -f # Force delete untracked directories (this cannot be reverted) git clean -df

git rm

Remove the files from index and file system

git rm --cached dir_or_file

Undo git commit (state to post-git add)

Undo the git commit but keep the changes

  • git reset without a --hard or --soft moves your HEAD to point to the specified commit, without changing any files
git reset HEAD~1

Revert a single file to previous commit

# revert to origin git checkout origin/branch_name -- path_to_file # revert to specific commit version for specific file git checkout commit_hash -- path_to_file # revert to previous "commit count" for specific file git checkout HEAD~commit_count -- path_to_file

git revert

Undo command to back out from commit

git revert

Back out a "specific hash" after commit

git revert commit_sha

Removing commits from history (dangerous)

Using Interactive Rebase

git rebase -i HEAD~commit_count

Enter the interactive mode and delete the commits you don't want to apply from the history

# before pick commit_hash_1 initial commit pick commit_hash_2 commit to remove pick commit_hash_3 commit to keep # after pick commit_hash_1 initial commit # deleted hash_2 pick commit_hash_3 commit to keep

Undo the undo git revert (re-applying the removed commit)

Un-do a git revert that un-did the commit using cherry-pick

git cherry-pick reverted_commit_sha

Undo everything (Hard Resets)

Safely revert to the previous commit

# Create a new branch git checkout -b new_branch_name # push the code to remote with new branch git push # go back to the original branch git switch previous_branch # Reset hard local to previous commit git reset --hard commit_hash # Fallback to newly created remote branch when needed git switch new_branch_name # original state backup

When need to restore safely to previous state

git reset --hard origin/new_branch_name

Safely Nuking Local Repo and Reset to Remote

git commit -a -m "Saving my work, just in case" git branch my-saved-work git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/same_branch_name
  • Save current work before nuking by creating a new branch from current
  • Fetch from remote origin the original commit
  • Set your local branch to match the the remote just pulled down

Reset Current Local master Branch to a previous master commit

git checkout master~1 git checkout -b new_master git branch -D master git branch -mv new_master master
  • checkout previous local commit
  • create a new_master branch that will be uploaded to the remote
  • delete the old master branch on remote
  • make new_master branch the local master branch