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A break statement terminates execution of the innermost for, switch, or select statement within the same function.

OuterLoop: for i = 0; i < n; i++ { for j = 0; j < m; j++ { switch a[i][j] { case nil: state = Error break OuterLoop case item: state = Found break OuterLoop } } }

Example of break which terminates inner switch

package main import "fmt" func main() { myloop: for x := 0; x < 7; x++ { // always print the current iteration index fmt.Printf("%d", x) // inner switch inside the loop switch { case x == 1: fmt.Println("start") case x == 5: fmt.Println("stop") break myloop // breaks out of the loop case x > 2: fmt.Println("crunching..") break // break, with no effect due to missing label default: // default acts like a `catch` and will only run when non of the `case` covers fmt.Println("idling..") } } } /* Console output 0idling.. 1start 2idling.. 3crunching.. 4crunching.. 5stop */


A continue statement begins the next iteration of the innermost enclosing for loop by advancing control to the end of the loop block.

The for loop must be within the same function.

RowLoop: for y, row := range rows { for x, data := range row { if data == endOfRow { continue RowLoop } row[x] = data + bias(x, y) } }
© VincentVanKoh