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What is it

Formatted I/O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.

String Interpolation

import ( "fmt" ) name := "Sam" date := time.Now() // simple fmt.Sprintf("Hi, my name is %v", name) result := fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %v! Today is %v, it's %02v:%02v now.", name, date.Weekday(), date.Hour(), date.Minute())


Print Statement

fmt.Println is used for debugging purposes

import "fmt" fmt.Println("debug message")


log.Println is used for logging purposes

import "log" log.Println("debug message")

Log Levels

  • log.Fatal - logs the message and calls os.Exit(1)
  • log.Panic - logs the message and calls panic
  • log.Print - logs the message


%v = value in a default format

  • %+v adds field names when printing struct

%s = string %d = base 10 integer %t = boolean word true or false

© VincentVanKoh