Data passed to schema
's resolver
values can be hardcoded as a value or passed via GraphQL input
variable.# schema definition type Query { resources: [Resource!]! resource(format: DataFormat!): Resource! } # client query query GetResource { resource(format: "jpeg") { id data } }
field returns array of Resource
type data
field returns object of Resource
type after taking in format
consumes the input
value and executes functioninput
allows user to narrow down the data returned.
fields are an all-or-nothing
return.# schema definition field resource(format: DataFormat!): Resource!
is the field
is the argument
would be the argument's data type
makes it non-nullable
required argumenterror
when other types are passedResource
would be the return data type on the field
makes it non-nullable
required return typeinput
type can be a scalar
or an object.
# server/schema.graphql example of object input input SearchListingsInput { checkInDate: String! checkOutDate: String! numOfBeds: Int page: Int limit: Int sortBy: SortByCriteria # enum type } type Query { searchListings(criteria: SearchListingsInput): [Listing]! }
using input
The argument
on the client
query and the schema
can be named anything.
field name
on the schema
# query query getUserPosts($userId: ID!, $postLimit: Int!) { user(id: $userId) { name posts(limit: $postLimit) { title content } } } # schema # Root query is identical schema { query: Query } # Define the root query type type Query { user(id: ID!): User } # Define the custom types type User { id: ID! name: String! posts(limit: Int!): [Post!]! } type Post { id: ID! title: String! content: String! }