
Error and Exceptions

What is it

Error object is thrown when runtime error occurs.

Unlike other languages, Error and Exceptions are the same thing in JavaScript

The Error built-in constructor is a standardized facility for creating objects to throw with commonly-useful features.

new Error(); Object.create(); class extends Error {}

Creating custom Errors in JS

Error object can also be used as a base object for user-defined exceptions.


There are several reasons why you want to avoid using Error excessively

  • Throwing an exception is expensive
  • This discourages throwing and try/catch from a usual program logic.
  • If you're building a ton of custom Error subclasses, it may be worth reassessing why you're catering towards so many different throw situations


Any value can be thrown in JS:

throw "Error2"; // String type throw 42; // Number type throw true; // Boolean type throw { toString() { return "I'm an object!"; }, };


try/catch handles exceptions thrown by arbitrary levels of function calls within the try block, like most other languages with that feature.

  • If any statement within the try block (or in a function called from depth within the try block) throws an exception, control immediately shifts to the catch block.
try { // throws an exception throw "myException"; } catch (err) { // statements to handle any exceptions logMyErrors(err); // pass exception object to error handler }

The catch (value) clause is not typed in JS, as it is in other language like Java.

Thus, unlike Java, multiple catch blocks for a single try doesn't make sense in JS.

However, we can use following syntax to add contextual information to the Error that was thrown:

if (badCondition) throw new Error("Bad Condition");


finally block contains statements to be executed after the try...catch blocks execute

It is also important to note that the finally block will execute whether or not an exception is thrown.

openFile(); try { writeToFile(someData); // This may throw an error } catch (e) { handleError(e); // If an error occurred } finally { closeFile(); // Always closes the resource }