


Avoid default export as it can lead to file being named something other than the component

  • This will lead to file discovery issue when the project gets large
  • e.g. index.js default exports NestedAdminPageRenderer.tsx which can be imported as AdminSubPage in another component

ESM Syntax

/* Export */ export default defaultExport export namedExport // default export/import import defaultExport, { namedExport } from "export-file-path"; export default Component import Component from "./component" // export const declaration export const Component import { Component } from "./component" // export object literal export { Component } import { Component } from "./component" // importing as an alias import { Original as AliasName } from "path-to-file";

Import/Export multiple variables

// export export const MyFunction = () => {} export const MyFunction2 = () => {} const Var = 1; const Var2 = 2; // import import { MyFunction1, MyFunction2, Var, Var2, } from './path-to-file';

CJS (CommonJS)

/* Import */ const module = require("path-to-file"); /* Export */ // default export module.exports = defaultNamed // named export module.exports.name = namedExport // default read-only exports = defaultReadonly // named read-only exports.name = namedReadonly