


Created by Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in 2003.

  • they created multiple websites which led to repeated code and design patterns.

Open sourced in 2005.

Well written documentation is key part of Django.

Philosophy of Django

Purpose: Modularity and Reusability.


Model-View-Controller pattern is renamed to Model-View-Template in Django.

  • Pattern segregates data (models), user interfaces (views), and control logic (templates) into distinct layers.

Structure and Hierarchy

Collection of settings, configurations, and apps coordinate to form a complete entity.

  • App is a smaller, self-contained module within the project that serves a specific purpose.

App can be a blog, auth system, or other standalone functionality.

Different apps contain their own MVC.

project_name/ ├── manage.py ├── project_name/ │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── asgi.py │ ├─ settings.py │ ├─ urls.py │ ├── wsgi.py ├── app1/ ├── app2/ ... ├── static/ ├── media/ ├── templates/

Template Files


  • gateway to various Django management commands.
  • tool to initiate the development server, create applications, run migrations, and more.


  • From database configurations to middleware lists, this is where you define how your application functions.


  • The URL dispatcher maps URLs to views.
  • This file determines which view is displayed when a specific URL is accessed.


  • Web Server Gateway Interface.
  • entry point for your application when deployed on a production server.
  • bridge connecting your application to the web server, enabling it to handle incoming requests.


  • Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface.
  • entry point for asynchronous web servers.
  • facilitates the handling of asynchronous HTTP requests.


  • transforms a directory into a Python package
  • organizing and importing modules across your project

Generated Files


  • Django's ORM data structure.
  • Each model class represents a table in the database.


  • logic that defines how your application interacts with users' requests.
  • View handles data processing, rendering templates, and responding to actions.
  • Transforms user interactions to tangible responses.


  • You write unit tests here.


  • how your appliaction's models are presented in Django's admin interface.


  • directory with all changes in application models.

Reusable Applications

Self-contained package of code that encapsulates a specific functionality.

  • can be shared across projects without requiring extensive modifications.

Reason for reusable


  • modular and independent
  • developed, tested, and maintained separately

Code Reusability

  • Reused in multiple projects
  • reduces development time by eliminating need to rewrite


  • encourages consistent coding conventions

Community Contribution

  • Django’s ecosystem benefits from a wide range of open-source reusable applications.


  • Since reusable applications are self-contained, updates and bug fixes can be applied to the application itself without affecting the projects that use it.