Referencing a value
that needs to persist that is NOT needed for rendering
property of a useRef
object does not trigger a re-renderCommonly used for storing references to DOM elements, timers, previous state or props, and any value that should be retained through the component's lifecycle without triggering re-rendering.
// syntax const ref = useRef(initialValue); // usage import { useRef } from 'react'; function MyComponent() { const intervalRef = useRef(0); const inputRef = useRef(null); // ... };
Returns an object
with a single current
is initially set to a value passed to initialValue
.Subsequent mutation to Ref needs reassignment of the property.
// reassign the Ref someRef.current = newValue; // can be done in function function handleStartClick() { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { // ... }, 1000); intervalRef.current = intervalId; }
Changing a ref
does not trigger a re-render.
variable which triggers a re-render.Can store information between re-renders
Information is local to each copy of your component
can become useful when directly manipulating DOM content
React updates the reference to point to the element when passed to ref
// initialize with DOM element type to reference const headerDropdown = useRef<HTMLDetailsElement>(null); return( <> {/* ref must be placed directly on jsx element */} <details className="w-full" ref={headerDropdown}> Text </details> <button onClick={() => { // current is used to access the ref value headerDropdown.current &&headerDropdown.current.removeAttribute('open')! }} > "button" </button> </> )
in Context
import { createContext, createRef, useContext } from "react"; const VideoContext = createContext(); const videoRef = createRef(); export const VideoContextProvider = (props) => { return ( <VideoContext.Provider value={videoRef}> {props.children} </VideoContext.Provider> ); }; export const useVideoContext = () => useContext(VideoContext);