
API Design

What is API

Application Programming Interface

  • Way for two machines to each other
    • Used to explicitly request data from server


Should return 410 Gone HTTP Status Code to indicate that the new endpoint is not supported and should not redirect

Alternatively, if a new API endpoint is backwards-compatible, you can redirect to the new endpoint

/api/v2.2/customers/1234 >>> /api/customers/1234 /api/v2.0/customers/1234 /api/v2/customers/1234 /api/v1.1/customers/1234 /api/v1/customers/1234

Simple is better

  • Easy to learn/use
  • hard to misuse
  • fails fast
  • good names (self-explanatory)
  • split into modules
  • when in doubt, leave it out (easy to add, hard to remove)
  • maximize info hiding. don't let info leaks in logs/exceptions
  • minimize coupling between APIs
  • document as many details as possible
  • keep performance in mind while designing API
  • It is always good practice to keep backward compatibility so the customers can get enough time to move to the next version when theĀ  API version changes
  • Pagination
    • Use of pagination is a must when you expose an API which might return huge data and if proper load balancing is not done
    • Without pagination, one customer might end up bringing down the entire service
  • Proper Error Message
    • Always good practice to keep set of error messages application sends and responds with proper corresponding id
    • Alternative is to return a URL with error message which tells you more about the error message and how to handle it as well
// facebook's API Error messages { "error": { "message": "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: products", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 803, "fbtrace_id": "FOXX2AhLh80" } }

Return Format

Most of modern day APIs should return JSON response

  • Open API standard allows you to design your APIs first and share that with the consumer in an easy manner
    • https://swagger.io/resources/open-api/

Bulk API Operation

Use POST or PATCH with list payload

POST /group/users X-Action: renumbering [ { "id": "userId1", "sequence": "newSequenceNumber1" }, { "id": "userId2", "sequence": "newSequenceNumber2" }, (...) ]