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TDD Basics

What is Test Coverage

Idea of test coverage is to give you confidence while quickly verifying whether the change will break things

Different Types of Tests


Unit test

Tests a single unit in isolation

  • For me, that's a class
  • A unit test will create an object, invoke a method, and check a result
  • It answers the question "does my code do what I intended it to do?"

Integration test

Tests the combination of two components in the system

  • It is focused on the relationship between the components, not the components themselves
  • It answers the question "do these components work together as intended"

System test

Tests the whole software system

  • It answers the question "does this software work as intended?"

Acceptance test

Automated way for the customer answer the question "is this software what I think I want?"

  • It is a kind of a system test

All automated tests are limited by axiom "End-to-end is further than you think" - meaning, eventually a human has to sit down in front of a computer and look at user interface to make sure something is working as expected

© VincentVanKoh