
Type System Fundamentals


# enables tsc yarn global add typescript

Typescript is a superset of JS

TS is just a JS generator

Typescript code is compiled to plain JS

  • Notion of type goes away once TS is compiled to JS

Compile Time Type Checking

Typescript is a static type checker for Javascript

  • These checks take place during compile time

No runtime guarantee in Typescript

TS does not provide runtime type information or runtime type checking

This is why libraries such as zod, yup, joi, and etc. because they provide the runtime data validation.


Best illustration of this issue is data fetch.

  • When you fetch the data from an API, file, or user input, there is no guarantee during compile time whether the shape of the data returned is identical to the shape you've declared to the compiler
    • This will result in a runtime error even though TS is ok with the shape of the data

Type Inference

IDE such as VSCode comes with a lot of critical tooling for using TS. It is good idea to trust and use those tools.

Rely on the inferred types from the IDE

  • Inferred types are the expectations from the IDE

Structural Type System


Structural type system is where type compatibility and equivalence are determined by the type's actual structure or definition and not by other characteristics like name or place of declaration

  • Structural systems are used to determine if types are equivalent and whether a type is a subtype of another

Structural Subtyping


type A is a subtype of another type B, if A contains at least the same attributes as B (the same public methods, etc.) and has invariants which are at least as strong (in other words, if the invariant of A is satisfied, the invariant of B is also satisfied)

  • In OOP, invariant is a set of assertions that must always hold true during the life of an object for the program to be valid.

Object is important in Typescript

Fundamental way we group and pass around data in JS is through an object.

Object matters in Typescript because the objects' shapes are what is being used by Typescript for type comparison (Structural Type System)

There are multiple ways of representing the object in Typescript:

// object literal function greet(person: { name: string; age: number }) { return "Hello " + person.name; }; // type alias type Person = { name: string; age: number; }; function greet(person: Person) { return "Hello " + person.name; }; // interface interface Person { name: string; age: number; }; function greet(person: Person) { return "Hello " + person.name; };

type alias

type alias doesn't create a different type, it's just another name for one that already exists in the system

  • this means that a type alias is completely interchangeable with the type it is equal to
    • In above example, we have a type alias that can be replaced with an object literal